Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Reviving the blog; what I've been doing since March

Hi and welcome back!
Thanks to a revived interest in taking my writing much more seriously, and a generous encouragement from a colleague, I decided to revive 'Tim's New World' instead of scrapping it and starting again.

It's been a fairly active but not too-busy time since my last post in late March. One major highlight has to be going to see the latest Cirque Du Soleil performance in Canberra: Varekai! was an intense, colourful and really exciting performance. A seat very close to the stage meant seeing the detail in costumes and also having to crane my neck and lean backwards to see the aerial stunts directly above me. I continued to work at the same museum in Canberra, kept going along to book group meetings, 'pulled the plug' on a plan to travel to Australia's famously wild Kimberleys region (delayed it for next year to allow for more saving), had a quiet but enjoyable birthday celebration in June and of course kept reading. It was great to have the main city library opened again after months of repairs because of a freak hailstorm in February.

In July and August so far l've also joined some on-line forums, learnt a little more about potentials for really interesting and useful blog content and did some house-sitting. Now it's time start some new social activities outside my work life.

One of the basic changes to the blog is the template: it was time for a new look as part of the reviving process. This template you can see now is called 'Scribe'. It's one of the choices from the Blogger menu, and can be customised a bit, so I'll try a few variations. Another plan is to get a digital camera soon and start compiling an on-line gallery. A trip to the Blue Mountains next month should provide plenty of images to start with. There's also work to be done on ensuring the Comments facility section is easier to use for on-line conversations. After all, that's supposed to be one of the attractions of blogs! :)



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