Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Adding to my blog, 1 or 2 features at a time

My technical blogging session this evening was dedicated to learning how to add a new feature or two and/or connect to a bigger part of the on-line community. I decided to try linking my blog to a big search engine/directory, so gave Technorati a go.

Success! The logo showed up as claimed, and is sitting neatly in the sidebar to the right. I chose this one as it was a bit easier to read than the little green button and looked snazzier than the third choice. I also liked Technorati's options to get updates, news and tips and on-going searches for blogs matching some of my key interests.

I know, I know - it's be a good plan to add some sort of graphic content very soon, even if just an avatar or single scene from a site that has freebie thumb-print-sized downloads. Watch this space. :)

Good night, and good blogging.


Animosiman said...

Thanks for reminding me about the technorati thing. I stayed up late last night mucking around with HTML trrying to make it look right.


Tim said...

All the best with it. I still need to do a bit more re; profile, posting a photo/avatar and commenting on other blogs to really make use of the Technorati link.