Saturday, March 10, 2007

'An Inconvenient Truth' - brief notes

It's an inconvenient truth that just now I'm running a bit short of blogging time, but here are some brief notes about Al's presentation:

- he uses a fair bit of personal background story to show his own main reasons for investing so much in this project;
- he uses a few different styles of documentary presentation, from the classic lecture-in-progress to more sophisticated IT tools, and does practically all his own voice-over;
- Some self-deprecating humour at start of story really helps get the audiences on-side, both in the movie and the audience I was in last night;
- His obvious enthusiasm and passionate interest can't be just faked all the time -this guy is really 'into' what he's talking about, and has covered an incredible number of km to check out various parts of the world;
- The end credits are full of 'this is what you can do next' kind of info, so this isn't just another talking head going on about problems -Al wants audiences to start following up on what he's saying and to actually feel they can do something effective;
- By the time he uses his tag line "political will is a renewable resource", it's also become a very hard and deserved dig at the Bush regime, and a sly joke appreciated by audiences;
- Forget about any previous reputation of Al being a 'boring' Vice-President in 1990s -this guy has the gift of the gab and clearly wasn't content to just live out the old VP joke about working on his golf score...if his family story is anything to go by, he hardly had or has time for golf anyway.

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