Thursday, March 15, 2007

Training Day -at work

Practically all of today at my work was for a course on Time Management, and it did have some useful things to offer: refresher on some classic strategies, group and individual exercises, and the presenter was lively, which always helps a lot. I expect the manual we were all given will be a handy reference in coming weeks.

It didn't take long (maybe after first half-hour of first session) for it to become clear to me that I did need this chance to step away from daily tasks and see if I could improve some processes. It was handy to get hints and tales of experience from others in the group, not only from the presenter.

Doing the full-day course was also a useful holiday from screen-based work, though not so much of a holiday from being at a desk. Outdoors, the weather was so fine I made sure I had lunch in a local park, and made the most of walks to and from work.

So, tomorrow it's clean-off-desk time and dusting off the neglected diary.

Good night, and good blogging. :)


Scritch said...

helo tim
i think you must have commented on my blog the second after i published it. thats probably a first

Tim said...

Hi Scritch,
That's quite a bit of timing! Especially given the distances on the globe and size of 'blogland'/the blogosphere.
As I write it's currently mid/late-evening on a Friday in eastern Australia.