Wednesday, March 28, 2007

New season of tv series 'The Chaser's War on Everything'

Hooray! Thank you, ABC! The new season of 'The Chaser's War on Everything' has started on this evening, and the team is really sharp. All the skits were worth a mention, and even the intro-with-audience was entertaining, but for now I'll offer my highlights:

- the prize-winning Free Hugs guy from YouTube, followed by The Chaser's own attempt to mimic the style
- NSW Liberal Party leader Peter Debnam and those budgie-smugglers [also known as Speedos] he insists on wearing, paired with one of the team trying same stunt
- mock epitaph for Naomi Robson's star spot as glamorous current affairs anchor, sung piteously to Elton John's 'Candle in the Wind' and slyly inter-cut with brief soundbites of Naomi in action
- how being seen with a baby wrapped in a blanket can miraculously protect you from official inquiries and unwanted publicity
- the Chaser's own efforts to do a bit of word-of-mouth advertising for the show, by bribing taxi drivers to talk up the show to unsuspecting passengers
- how borrowing the car of fast-driving prominent human rights lawyer Marcus Einfeld can save you (applies to Sydney region only) from being fined for just about every traffic violation in the book, and even from robbing a petrol station.

I'm already looking forward to next week's episode. ABC, 9pm Wednesdays*.

* and if the Chaser team reads this: this first one is for free, since you came back to ABC; the next one costs the $50, just like the cabbies. . :)

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